अनुदानग्राहीहरुको विवरण आ.ब. २०८०।०८१
आ.ब. २०८०।०८१ को बार्षिक प्रगति विवरण
पशु स्रोतकेन्द्र स्थापना कार्यविधि २०८१
प्रविधि र पूर्वाधार विकास कार्यक्रम कार्यन्वयन कार्यविधि २०८१
एकिकृत पशुपन्छी तथा मत्स्य विकास कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि २०८१
कृषि पशुपन्छी तथा मत्स्यजन्य उपजहरुको मुल्य श्रृंखला कार्यविधि २०८१
स्थानीय तहमा विनियोजन सशर्त अनुदान कार्यक्रम कार्यन्वयन कार्यविधि २०८१
पशुपन्छी तथा मत्स्य व्यवसायीहरुका लागि विद्युत खपत महसुल सहुलियत २०८१
कृषि तथा पशुपन्छी उद्यमशिलता विकास कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन कार्यविधि-२०८१
पि पि आर सप्ताहव्यापी खोप अभियान कार्ययोजना २०८०
समुदायमा आधारीत एक वडा एक कृषि उत्पादन कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि, २०८०
अर्धवार्षिक प्रगति प्रतिवेदन २०८०।०८१
वार्षिक कार्यक्रम कार्ययोजना 2080-081
प्रदेश स्तरीय पशुपन्छी तथ्याङ्क २०७९।८०
प्रथम त्रैमासिक प्रगति विवरण २०८०।८१
बीउपूजी परिचालन कार्यविधि २०८०
अण्डासंग सम्बन्धित सहकारीलाई लागत साझेदारीमा प्रविधि र पूर्वाधार विकास सहयोग कार्यक्रम कार्यक्रम
दुध उत्पादनमा आधारित अनुदान वितरण कार्यविधि, २०८०
पशुपन्छी तथा मत्स्य विकास कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि, २०८०
उन्नत नश्लका बंगुरको पाठापाठी आयातमा पचहत्तर प्रतिशत ढुवानी अनुदान कार्यविधि, २०८०
मूल्य श्रृंखला विकास कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि, २०८०
प्रविधि र पुर्वाधार विकास कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि-२०८०
एग्री लाईभस्टक इपिसेन्टर कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि, २०८०
कृषि क्षेत्रमा विपदबाट क्षति पुगेका कृषकलाई राहत वितरण कार्यविधि-२०८०
खाद्य प्रणाली रुपान्तरणको लागि मागमा आधारित कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयन कार्यविधि २०८०
Green to White Model Program for Dairy Development, 2080
World Rabies Day, 28 September, 2023 (Brochure)
World Rabies Day, September 28, 2023 (Poster)
Production based subsidy for Milk production procedure(7th amendment),2075
province travel expenditure regulations,2077
Province civil service ordinance,2078
Zoonotic and meat borne disease booklet
Provincial Norms for Public Expenditure - 2078
Annual Program Book 2076-2077
Milk Production Based Grant Distribution Procedure' 2075 (Sixth Amendment)
Procedure for Establishment of Livestock Resource Center, 2078
Pro-poor farmers Targeted Program Operation Procedure, 2078
Livestock and Fisheries Mission Program Operation Procedure, 2078
Livestock and Fisheries Development Program Operation Procedure, 2078
Implementation Procedure for Chauri Breeding and Resource Center Development Program in Partnership, 2076 (First Amendment)
Animal Feed Industry Establishment Procedure in Partnership, 2076 (First Amendment)
Subsidy Program Procedure on Electricity Consumption Tariff for Fisheries, 2077 (Second Amendment)
Milk Production Based Grant Distribution Procedure' 2075 (Fourth Amendment)
Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project Manual
District level Program Operation Procedure, 2076 (First Amendment)
Concessional Loan Investment Procedure for Production and Employment Generation, 2077
Program Operation Procedure for Fish Production Promotion Through Pond Construction and Maintenance, 2076
Fish Park Construction and Operation Program Implementation Procedure for Fisheries Promotion and Development (First Amendment), 2077
Milk Production Based Grant Distribution Procedure' 2075 (Third Amendment)
Subsidy Program Procedure on Electricity Consumption Tariff for Fisheries, 2077 (First Amendment)
Milk Production Based Subsidy Distribution Procedure ‚2076 (2076-05-13)
Procedure on Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization (Second Resource) 2075
Fisheries Industry Promotion Program Implementation Procedure in Partnership, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Integrated Rainbow Trout Fish Development and Extension Program Implementation Procedure, 2076 (2076-05-25)
(Project Implementation Manual)
Agriculture and Livestock Diary 2078
Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Sector Transformation Roadmap 2078
Animal Feed Industry Establishment Procedure in Partnership, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Padapadi rearing program operation procedure, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Comprehensive Goat Research, Extension and Development Program Operation Procedure in Partnership, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Implementation Procedure for Sample College / Kadaknath / Local Poultry / Turkey / Ostrich / Duck and other livestock programs for the promotion of agro-tourism, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Implementation Procedure for Chauri Breeding and Resource Center Development Program in Partnership, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Establishment of Sample Dairy and Milk Processing Plant in Partnership (Including Catwari and Chocolate) Program Implementation Procedure, 2076 (2076-05-25)
Monkey Management Special Program Implementation Procedure, 2076 (2076-05-30)
Milk Powder Plant Construction Procedure in Cooperation, 2076 (2076-05-30)
Implementation Procedure for Livestock Market Promotion, 2074 (For Slaughter House Improvement Program)
For Every Farmers: Things to Know
Income Generating Hybrid (Hampshire x Local) Pig Rearing Technology
Province Government (Work Division) Regulation 2074
Livestock Health and Service Regulation 2056
Recruitment, Transfer and Post of Province Civil Servants 2076
Province Public Procurement Regulation 2076, First Amendment 2076
Province Public Procurement Regulation 2076
Province Fiscal Procedure Act 2074
Province Co-operative Act 2076
Province Dairy Development Board Act 2075
Livestock Health and Service Act 2055
Constitution of Nepal
Foot and Mouth Disease
Swine Fever
Silage Making
Application and Proposal template of raceway program
Poster of Biodiversity Conservation of fish culture
Information on African Swine Fever
Lumpy Skin Disease related information
African Swine Fever
Veterinary Regulation Directory - 2075
Province Level Integrated Subsidy Distribution Procedure 2076